Sunday, September 30, 2007

Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Day of Sunshine

It's crazy how you come across stuff. I was just looking for information and good reads for my new website ( I came across this site and thought it was the nicest thing. There are good people out there and if more people did this kind of stuff I believe we would have a happy world. We all need to care, the way these people care. They don't make a penny and do this because they are nice people with good hearts! We need more of these people in our world! Kuddos for A Day of Sunshine!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Natural Teeth whitners

Tooth whitening is the leading dental procedure requested by people under the age of 20 and between the ages of 30 and 50. In the last 10 years alone, this procedure has exploded by 300 percent, according to The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

Perhaps one reason for the explosion has to do with the vast numbers of people having their teeth whitened, which then sets a new standard for how "normal" teeth are supposed to look. Even if your teeth are a healthy shade, they may look yellow when compared to the pearly whites of celebrities and, now, the average person walking down the street.

The problem with most current tooth-whitening products, both over-the-counter versions and those performed in your dentist’s office, is that they use hydrogen peroxide to whiten your teeth.

This is not your best choice because peroxide can cause your teeth to become sensitive. Additionally, hydrogen peroxide forms radical intermediates that can damage and destroy your gums and nerves.

What causes your teeth to become discolored in the first place? Tooth discoloration is caused by colored molecules such as tannins and polyphenols -- found in red wine, coffee, and tea -- which become absorbed by your tooth enamel’s surface.

Cigarettes, blueberries, and other foods that contain dark pigments can also discolor your tooth enamel, as can certain medications. Some of the staining can be removed by brushing, but over time the compounds can seep into your enamel.

If you’re looking for a safer alternative to brighten your teeth, you can try this simple trick:

Crush one ripe strawberry and mix it with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.
Spread the mixture onto your teeth and leave on for five minutes.
Brush your teeth with a little toothpaste (non-fluoride, of course) and rinse.

This natural mixture works because of the malic acid it contains, which acts as an astringent to remove some of the surface discoloration on your teeth. Though this method is perfectly safe to use on occasion, don’t use it too often (no more than once a week) because the acid could potentially damage your tooth enamel.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Chemotherapy Alternatives


This is an amazing article that will encourage and inform anyone you know who might be dealing with these issues. Cancer Update from John Hopkins

1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.

2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's lifetime.

3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors.

5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.

7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.

8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction.

9 When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.

11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply.

CANCER CELLS FEED ON: a. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells. Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc. are made with Aspartame and it isharmful. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses, but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in color. Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.

b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soya milk cancer cells are being starved.

c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains,seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Freshvegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growthof healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).

e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrifiedand leads to more toxic buildup.

13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

14. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Florssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the body's own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements likevitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneededcells.

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, unforgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellularlevel. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Report links power lines to cancer

After looking at a database of 850 patients diagnosed with lymphatic and bone marrow cancers between 1972 and 1980, researchers from the University of Tasmania and Britain's Bristol University found that living near high-voltage power lines might increase the risk of leukemia, lymphoma, and related conditions later in life. People who lived within 328 yards of a power line up to the age of five were five times more likely to develop cancer. Those who lived within the same range to a power line at any point during their first 15 years were three times more likely to develop cancer as an adult.

Internal Medicine Journal September 2007; 37(9):614-9 August 24, 2007

Although numerous studies have produced contradictory results, many experts, including me, are absolutely convinced that the threat of electromagnetic fields (EMF) is indeed very real.

By 1990, over one hundred studies had been conducted worldwide. Of these, at least two dozen epidemiological studies on humans indicated a link between EMF’s and serious health problems.

These studies showed that EMF from power lines, home wiring, airport and military radar, substations, transformers, computers, and appliances have the potential to cause brain tumors, leukemia, birth defects, miscarriages, cataracts, heart problems, nausea, chest pain, forgetfulness, cancer, and other health problems.

According to the World Health Organization, some of the harmful effects EMF’s can have on your body include:

Sleep disturbances
Skin symptoms like prickling, burning sensations, rashes, muscle pains and aches

Even the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued warning, stating, "There is reason for concern" and advises “prudent avoidance."

But the far more important and serious effects relate to their tendency to disrupt foundational physiological processes, and increase your risk for virtually every chronic degenerative disease, including cancer. In my article “Are EMF’s Hazardous to Your Health?” you can find more information about how to protect yourself from harmful EMF’s being emitted from seemingly innocuous sources like home wiring, computers, electric blankets, and so on.

Interestingly enough, the EPA originally recommended that EMF’s be classified as a Class B carcinogen -- a "probable human carcinogen,” joining the ranks of formaldehyde, DDT, dioxins, and PCB’s.

However, once the EPA’s draft report was released, utility, military, and computer lobbyists came down hard. Their final revision ended up not classifying EMF’s as a Class B carcinogen. Rather, the following explanation was added: “At this time such a characterization regarding the link between cancer and exposure to EMF’s is not appropriate because the basic nature of the interaction between EMF’s and biological processes leading to cancer is not understood."

However, once the EPA’s draft report was released, utility, military, and computer lobbyists came down hard. Their final revision ended up not classifying EMF’s as a Class B carcinogen. Rather, the following explanation was added: “At this time such a characterization regarding the link between cancer and exposure to EMF’s is not appropriate because the basic nature of the interaction between EMF’s and biological processes leading to cancer is not understood."

Can EMF’s From Your Cell Phone Damage Your Health?

Studies have also linked EMF emissions from your cell phone to such wide-ranging problems as:

Reduced sperm count in men
Reduced memory and recognition in children
Brain tumors
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
Pacemaker disruptions

The 2004 REFLEX report also summarizes multiple projects from a dozen different research groups, on the genotoxic potential of radio frequency radiation.

Agents that can damage cell DNA are called genotoxins, and are presumed to have carcinogenic potential. The REFLEX report received a lot of attention because of the genotoxicity reported, including:

*Intermittent, but not continuous, Extremely Low Frequency ELF-EMF exposure damages *DNA in human cells.
*DNA damage is dependent on the frequency, but higher frequency does not necessarily correlate with more damage. The frequencies causing DNA damage were ranked, from high to low damage, as follows: 50 Hz, 16 2/3 Hz, 3 Hz, 300 Hz, 550 Hz and 30 Hz.
*DNA strand breaks after ELF-EMF exposure is dependent on the person’s age, with older individuals showing a higher rate of DNA damage.
*DNA damage through ELF-EMF radiation is cell type specific. For example, human melanocytes (deep layer epidermal cells that synthesize melanin) reacted, whereas skeletal muscle cells did not.
*ELF-EMF radiation generated several types of chromosomal abnormalities in human cells.

To date, there are few alternatives to ensure complete safety, but there are some common sense recommendations:

*Use the speakerphone instead of putting the phone to your ear
*Limit calls inside buildings
*Use the phone in open spaces as often as possible
*Limit use by children and pre-adolescents
*Limit the amount of time you spend on the phone
*Attach a ferrite bead to your headphones to decrease RF interference

Can Sernelius’ Finding Explain the Link Between EMF’s and Your Health?
In 2004, a Swedish physicist named Bo Sernelius, stumbled across a surprising finding that suggests non-thermal radiation can cause a massive increase in the forces that living cells exert on each other. He discovered that electromagnetic forces might act on cells by affecting the attractive forces between them, without thermal heating.

Water molecules have poles of positive and negative electrical charge that create attractive forces between cells, known as van der Waals forces. Van der Waals forces are much weaker than chemical bonds. And, whereas chemical bonds need high frequency ionizing radiation in order to break, van der Waals forces are disrupted by much smaller thermal fluctuations.
These intermolecular forces may be weak, but without them, life as we know it would be impossible.

Sernelius found that the water molecules inside cells will try to align their positive and negative poles with the alternating field produced by cell phone radiation. The result? They all end up pointing in the same direction, and this strengthens the van der Waals forces. In the fields of 850 MHz (around the frequency used by mobile phones), the van der Waals forces leap—from a billionth-billionth of a Newton, to micro Newton strength—a massive jump of around 11 orders of magnitude.

Although it’s still only theoretical, this may be the missing link when trying to explain tissue damage from non-ionizing, non-thermal radiation. Stronger attractive forces between cells can also make them clump together, and cause blood vessels to contract.
All in all, I believe the evidence is clear that EMF’s can indeed harm your health, and that you would be best served to do whatever you can to limit your exposure to as many sources as possible.

Related Articles:
Are EMFs Hazardous to Your Health? Electromagnetic Fields Exert Effects on and Through Hormones EMFs Affect Human Cells and May Cause Cancer

GMO food list!!!!

Shopping without this essential guide could cause you and you're family major problems!

The next time you’re at the supermarket, you can use The True Food Shopping Guide to decipher which foods contain genetically engineered ingredients and which do not.The True Food Network, the grassroots network of the Center for Food Safety, compiled this essential list.You can browse through the online guide according to food category; there are 20 in all, including:

*Dressings and salad oils
*Tomatoes and tomato sauce
*Baby food

The True Food Network was established in 2000 to stop genetic engineering of food and farm crops, and to create a socially just, democratic, and sustainable food system. They have 40,000 members.True Food Now

Dr. Mercola's comments:
You may be surprised to learn that you have a 75 percent chance of picking a food with genetically modified (GM) ingredients when you’re at the supermarket. This is because at least seven out of every 10 items have been genetically modified.

In fact, the United States leads the world in GM crop acreage with 123 million acres in all (that’s close to one-third of the agricultural land in the United States planted with gene-altered crops).

And the blight of genetically engineered crops across the globe continues to grow. Worldwide, there are at least 222 million acres planted with GM crops, and the number keeps rising.

Although the major food giants are carrying on with their claim that GM foods are no different from conventionally grown varieties, the research begs to differ.

Here is just a sampling of the unsavory findings associated with GM foods:

GM peas caused lung damage in mice
GM potatoes may cause cancer in rats
Bacteria in your gut can take up DNA from GM food
They may be spurring the creation of weed-killer-resistant superweeds

Aside from the potential risks to your health, genetic modification known as “terminator technology” is now being used to create, you guessed it, seeds that “self-destruct.” In other words, the seeds (and the forthcoming crops) are sterile, which means farmers must buy them again each year (as opposed to using the seeds from their harvest to replant the following year, which is the traditional way).

This, of course, means bigger profits for the food companies that are patenting GM seeds, and more money shelled out from farmers. Worse still, this practice could actually threaten the entire food supply because the sterile seeds may spread to nearby fields.

There is an incredibly important documentary on this topic that I urge you to watch yourself and then pass on to ALL of your friends and family. This should be required viewing for everyone that is living in the 21st century. It will open your eyes to the dangers of GM foods and do it in a way that is very easy to learn. It is one of the most important videos I have ever viewed.

Again, you simply MUST watch this video!!

It’s called The Future of Food. This documentary will help you understand the very real threat that ALL future generations face as a result of genetic engineering.

You may also be interested to know that I am actually working strategically with Jeffery Smith, the leader of the anti-GM movement in the United States, to facilitate the end of GM foods in the U.S. within the next two years.

This shopping guide is an excellent start, as you can print it out and take it with you to the store so you can avoid GM foods like the plague.Along with using The True Food Shopping Guide, you can also follow these tips to avoid GM ingredients:

Examine produce stickers on the fruits and vegetables you buy. The PLU code for conventionally grown fruit consists of four numbers, organically grown fruit has five numbers prefaced by the number nine, and GM fruit has five numbers prefaced by the number eight.

Buy organic produce as often as you can. By definition, food that is certified organic must be free from all GM organisms.

Stay away from processed foods. Most of these contain corn and soy products, and most corn and soy are genetically modified.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Ten Veggies You Should Have on Hand

September is Fruit and Vegetable Month, and we're doing our part by offering this list of the 10 vegetables that Dr. Weil recommends you have on hand in your kitchen.

Onions: This classic, pungent vegetable adds flavor to any meal. Allicin, a phytonutrient found in most varieties of onions, may be responsible for its health benefits, including lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.

Garlic: This fragrant bulb contains many of the same phytonutrients as onions, as well as antibiotic and antiviral compounds. It may help boost the immune system, prevent colds, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and fight fungal or yeast infections.

Spinach: This dark leafy green (and others like it, such as kale and collards) contains lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidant carotenoids that may help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration. Spinach is also a source of calcium and folate, a B vitamin that helps to prevent birth defects. Buy organic spinach, since pesticides are commonly used on conventionally grown varieties.

Cabbage: This low-cost yet highly nutritious cruciferous vegetable contains nutrients called indoles, which may protect against both breast and prostate cancer. It also provides significant amounts of fiber and vitamin C.

Sweet potatoes: Rich in beta carotene, these vegetables may help boost the immune system, deliver vitamin C and folate (which may reduce the risk of heart disease and prevent certain birth defects), and are low on the glycemic index and glycemic load charts.

Beets: The deep red color of these root vegetables comes from anthocyanins, phytonutrients that protect against carcinogens and may help prevent heart disease. Beets are delicious hot or cold, versatile, and inexpensive.

Squash. With a wide variety of types, flavors, shapes, and sizes, squash is very versatile - it can even be used in pie! It provides beta carotene, potassium, and fiber, nutrients that are necessary for good overall health.

Tomatoes: This red fruit (often considered a vegetable) contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps fight heart disease and some types of cancer, particularly prostate cancer. Use tomatoes in everything from salads to sauces, but know that the lycopene is most easily absorbed when the tomatoes are cooked with a little oil.

Broccoli. This vegetable platter classic and other cruciferous vegetables offer cancer-protective benefits. Broccoli is also a good source of vitamin K and calcium - both of which help keep bones strong. It is tasty both raw and cooked, and can be a stand out in soups, casseroles, and salads.

Mushrooms. Prized for their tonic effects, mushrooms can help address a host of illnesses.

Maitake mushrooms (known as "hen of the woods" for their resemblance to the fluffed tail feathers of a nesting hen) are particularly valued in Asian cooking, as they have anti-cancer, anti-viral and immune-enhancing properties, and may also reduce blood pressure and blood sugar. Shiitake, enokidake and oyster mushrooms also have immune-boosting qualities, and are easily included in many main courses.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Health Rangers Habits

From Mike Adams the Health Ranger Get your free newsletter from !

Health Ranger Habits

Absolutely no prescription drugs or pharmaceuticals whatsoever.
No visits to M.D.s or western medical doctors (visiting naturopathic physicians only)
No following the USDA's ridiculous Food Guide Pyramid
No steroids, andro supplements or other questionable bodybuilding supplements
No diet pills, stimulants or fat burning pills
No fad dieting
The Health Ranger "Avoid List":
Amazon John and Mike Adams at an Amazon Herb Co. event.
Sodium nitrite (causes cancer)
MSG / monosodium glutamate / yeast extract (causes obesity and nerve damage)
Hydrogenated oils (causes heart disease)
High-fructose corn syrup / sugar / sucrose (causes diabetes and obesity)
Artificial colors (causes behavioral disorders)
Aspartame (causes brain damage, optic nerve damage)
Homogenized milk fats (cause heart disease and cardiovascular disorders)
Red meat (absolutely no beef, pork, or other red meat) *I agree with no pork but grass-fed organic beef is fine.
Cows' milk, cheese and dairy products *As long as it is Raw, Organic cow's or goat's milk it's fine.
Soft drinks, junk foods, snack foods or fast foods
Processed foods such as cookies, crackers, frozen dinners, etc.
Fried foods
White flour and any foods containing white flour
Refined carbohydrates such as breads, cereals, pastries, pizza dough, etc.
Fruit juice drinks *Only drink juice you make yourself fresh with a juicer-don't be lazy!
Brand-name laundry detergents (loaded with toxic fragrance chemicals)
Popular deodorants (contain aluminum)
Fluoride toothpaste (fluoride is a dangerous ingredient)
Popular shampoos / soaps / conditioners (all contain harmful fragrance chemicals)
Dryer sheets (contain fragrance chemicals)

The Health Ranger Recipe For Health

Adams chats with people at a book signing event.
Quinoa (boiled, used as cereal or soup base)
Tofu, soymilk and soy products
Healthy oils from: avocados, extra virgin coconut oil, macedamia nuts, cashews, almonds, peanuts, flax oil, olive oil
Daily breakfast with Jenny Lee Supergreens shake: 2 cups soymilk + 1 scoop supergreens powder + 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel + 1 tablespoon coconut oil + coral calcium powder + stevia + chocolate rice protein + natural peanut butter
Superfoods such as chlorella, spirulina, sea vegetables, broccoli sprouts, sunflower sprouts, wheat grass, and various greens powders
Massive quantities of vegetables: salad greens, cilantro, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, snow peas, okra, tomatoes, zucchini, etc.
Raw, fresh fruits, especially berries (massive quantities of blueberries)
Healing foods such as garlic, ginger, onions, etc.
Daily doses of nutritional supplements: whole food supplements, organic vitamins, Standard Process tablets, Alive! supplements, vitamin C
Daily doses of rainforest herbs: Amazon herbs, chanca piedra, etc.
One hour of full exposure to intense natural sunlight on a near-daily basis with no sunscreen (important for vibrational nutrition and essential for mental health, bone density, vitamin D production, etc.)
Other various nutritional and herbal supplements depending on need

20 Things More Dangerous to Kids Than Lead Paint

The mainstream media is amusingly irrational when it comes to reporting scare stories. The latest example involves the lead content of Mattel toys made in China. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued a third recall of Mattel toys involving over 700,000 toys containing unacceptably high levels of lead paint (over .06 percent lead). Irrational parents are rushing back to retailers in droves, turning in their Mattel toys to "save their children" from the dangers of lead paint. Mattel, for its part, is being rightly blasted in the media for selling shoddy products made with toxic heavy metals.
But here's the interesting part in all this: Parents directly poison their children every day with products far more dangerous than Mattel toys. Don't believe me? I'll name twenty things in this article that are far more dangerous to children than Mattel toys. It doesn't mean Mattel toys are safe, of course. They apparently do contain unacceptably high levels of lead, and there's no question about the toxicity of lead. But children don't eat toys nearly as often as they eat some other toxic substances given to them by their parents, and even as parents are herding back into retailers to refund their toxic lead-laden toys, they're returning home and poisoning their children with many other products that are far worse.
The press, of course, reports nothing about these other toxic products. And why? Because they're made in America.
American products poisoning American children
American products, you see, are often given blanket immunity by the U.S. press. While the media is happy to jump on toxic lead found in Chinese products, they completely ignore (for example) the toxic mercury that dentists continue to place into the mouths of young children all across the country. Why is it considered highly dangerous for a child to merely touch a toy with .06 percent lead paint while it is considered perfectly safe for a child to chew on a filling made with 40 percent mercury? Mercury is far more toxic than lead in many ways, yet the media has nothing to say about the mass poisoning of children through the outmoded dental work still being performed on children today. Mercury fillings were invented before the Civil War, and they're just as toxic now as they were then!
Of course, if dental fillings were made in China, the U.S. press would be screaming about their toxicity! But since they're installed by crazed U.S. dentists -- many of whom still manage to seem convincingly sane -- there's zero coverage in the mainstream media.
Reporting the truth about dangerous chemicals, heavy metals and other threats to children is extremely selective. The public never hears the real truth about what's dangerous -- they only hear what the media want them to think is dangerous!
But I've had it with popular media distortions. Here, I'm going to reveal the top 20 things that are more dangerous to children than the lead paint in Mattel toys. Interestingly, most of these are things that parents intentionally give their children (or feed to them!). If you're worried about lead paint, you should be far more worried about these 20 things...
The top 20 things that are more dangerous to children than lead paint in Mattel toys:
1. Mercury fillings
Often called "silver fillings" to hide the fact that they're made from mercury, these highly toxic fillings are placed directly into the mouths of children where they are inhaled (mercury vapor) and swallowed, causing systemic mercury poisoning to the child and leading to long-term neurological damage. Visit and watch the "Smoking Teeth = Poison Gas" video to learn more.
2. Vaccines
Think vaccines are safe? You've been hoodwinked by the popular media parroting drug company propaganda. Vaccines are preserved with methyl mercury, one of the most dangerous chemical forms of the toxic heavy metal. This mercury is injected directly into the bodies of children where it causes severe neurological damage. And yes, it does cause Autism, despite what you've read in the dumbed-down press. Only a fool would inject their child with mercury-preserved vaccines.
3. Hot dogs
Hot dogs are made with horrifying processed meat parts (click here to see shocking photos of processed meat products, then preserved with a cancer-causing ingredient called sodium nitrite. As detailed in my book Grocery Warning, this ingredient causes brain tumors in children, not to mention leukemia, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer and other cancers. Hot dogs are far more dangerous to a child's health than lead paint in my opinion, and yet parents keep feeding them to their children!
4. Antibacterial soap
How about a little nerve toxin in your soap? That's what's found in antibacterial soap. It's a toxic cocktail of chemicals designed to kill life. That's how it kills bacteria. The problem is that it also harms people -- especially infants and children who are trying to develop healthy nervous systems. Avoid all products claiming to be "antibacterial." You're better off using natural soap (like Dr. Bronner's soap, ) and letting your child's immune system fight off common bacteria. The world isn't sterile, after all. You can't turn your house into a germ-free bubble.
5. ADHD drugs
Would you give your child street drugs like speed or meth? Probably not, but what if your doctor wrote you a prescription for speed and said your child needed it because he was ADHD? If you're like most parents, you'd fall in step and start giving your child speed. But wait, you say: ADHD drugs are not speed, are they? But of course they are. They belong to a class of drugs called amphetamines. They used to be illegally sold as speed. Now they're prescription drugs, and they're given to children in schools all across America (and elsewhere). Psychiatrists and drug companies are making a killing dosing up kids and infants on substances that used to be considered illegal street drugs (and that have no legitimate medical use whatsoever).
6. Sports drinks
For some reason, parents irrationally believe sports drinks are healthy because they contain the word "sports." Didn't they notice the neon green artificial coloring? Sports drinks are, in my opinion, a nutritional joke. Made from salt water, processed sweeteners and petrochemical coloring, many of their ingredients are actually harmful. Drinking water would be smarter, and feeding your child some healthy trace minerals would be even better. Low on potassium? Eat a banana.
7. Cough syrup
and over-the-counter medicines Nearly all children's over-the-counter medicines contain multiple toxic substances such as chemical sweeteners, preservatives and additives. Cough syrup, in particular, has been scientifically proven to be absolutely worthless in preventing coughs. Many "children's" medicines are actually more toxic than their adult counterparts because they're sweetened up and cosmetically enhanced with artificial colors made from petrochemicals. Yet parents poison their children every day with over-the-counter medicine.
8. Sunscreen
The sunscreen industry is a huge scam. Most popular sunscreen products actually cause skin cancer due to the numerous toxic chemicals they contain (which are quickly absorbed into the skin where they cause DNA mutations that lead to cancer). Even worse, sunscreen blocks the UV radiation that allows the skin to manufacture all-important vitamin D -- the most powerful anti-cancer nutrient yet known to modern science. It prevents over a dozen different cancers, yet parents block it by slathering toxic sunscreen on their children, all while mistakenly believing they're "protecting their children from cancer!" What a scam.
9. Fluoride
in the water I've always found it amazing that city water officials were dumb enough to actually buy a toxic waste substance and arrange to have it dripped into the public water supply where it would be ingested by infants and children. The result? Mass fluorosis and toxicity to children everywhere. Didn't these people realize that fluoride only works topically? (That is, it only works if you rub it on your teeth, then spit it out, and even that only works if you're using natural fluoride, not the chemicals spit out as byproducts of the fertilizer industry, which is what city water departments are buying and dripping into the water supply.) Click here to see my CounterThink cartoon on this topic. Whoever heard of drinking a topical medication in the first place? It's like swallowing sunscreen to prevent sunburn. Even worse, putting this into the public water supply effectively mass medicates everyone with a bioactive chemical substance that no one has been given a prescription for. This is all done with no regard for the level of natural fluoride children might already be ingesting from other sources. The situation is so crazy that it's difficult to find a more insane example of medical tyranny than the mass fluoridation of public water supplies. The fact that doctors and dentists so vehemently support it demonstrates just how crazy they really are.
10. Processed milk
Children as young as 10 years old are now being diagnosed with heart disease and clogged arteries. Ever wonder how it happened? It's due in part, I believe, to all the processed milk children are swallowing these days. Not only is the milk contaminated with pus, blood and detectable levels of pesticides and other chemicals, it's also homogenized, meaning the fats are artificially modified in a way that makes them stay in suspension. This homogenization also makes milk fats dangerous to cardiovascular health. While I support the consumption of raw, unprocessed milk, I think that consuming processed, homogenized milk is dangerous to the health of infants, children and adults alike!
11. Fast food
Fast food is extremely unhealthy for children. Not only are the foods often fried, homogenized, hydrogenated and otherwise altered, they're also laced with chemical additives, taste enhancers, processed sugars, petrochemical food coloring and other unhealthy substances. Strangely, many parents actually reward their children for good behavior by buying them unhealthy fast food meals, thereby creating a psychological association between good feelings and junk food. (Fast food restaurants further exploit this psychological link by building playgrounds and running feel-good advertisements that emphasize friends and fun, then link those good vibes to their food products.)
12. Antidepressant drugs
Children as young as six months old are now being put on psychotropic drugs such as SSRIs (antidepressants). These drugs, we now know, cause suicidal thoughts and violent behavior, especially in young boys. They imbalance brain chemistry and even alter the body's metabolism of sugar, promoting diabetes and leading to rapid weight gain. These drugs are so dangerous that feeding them to children should be considered a crime. Every single school shooting involving a child in the United States in the last 15 years has been linked to antidepressant drug use. Need I say more?
13. Chemical laundry detergents
Parents are shown fancy ads on television depicting how wonderful and clean their clothes will be if they wash them in brand-name laundry detergent. What they're not shown, however, is the toxicity of all the synthetic chemicals that go into most laundry detergent products. The fragrance chemicals alone are often carcinogenic, and they're just as bad for the environment as they are children's health. A new alternative has appeared, however: Soap berries! It's laundry soap that grows on trees. We offer it at
14. Flame retardant chemicals
Did you know that new mattresses for infants and children are often sprayed with extremely toxic flame retardant chemicals? These are easily absorbed through the skin of infants and children where they contribute to numerous neurological disorders and immune suppression. Many clothing products are also sprayed with flame retardants, as are some carpeting products. In the push to make everything fireproof, state regulators (who have mandated the flame retardant chemicals in states like California) have created a toxic environment for everyone. I suppose if you're a politician, it's always better for a million people to die of a mysterious disease that can't be linked to you than to have one baby burning up on the evening news with fingers of blame pointed directly at you.
15. Soda
Aside from directly promoting diabetes and obesity, sodas also contain high amounts of phosphoric acid, a substance that dissolves bones and causes a loss of bone mineral density. This causes massive tooth decay as well as a shrinking jaw bone and overall skeletal fragility. Diet sodas are even worse, since they contain chemical sweeteners linked to neurological disorders and learning disabilities.
16. Air fresheners
Air fresheners contain cancer-causing chemicals. Unleashing them in the house exposes children to these chemicals, promoting asthma and other respiratory problems. If you value the health of your children, avoid air freshener products and just use essential oils or citrus peels instead. (Peel an orange and hang the peel in your kitchen.)
17. Synthetic vitamins
Many children's vitamins are made with cheap, synthetic "vitamin" chemicals that actually harm people who take them. Plus, many are loaded up with artificial colors, sucrose and chemical sweeteners. Avoid cheap, store-bought children's vitamins or anything containing cyanocobalamin (a toxic form of vitamin B12). Quality children's vitamins are available through sources like Nordic Naturals (fish oils) and (also check for high-quality supplements).
18. Dryer sheets
Most popular dryer sheets and fabric softeners are made with toxic synthetic chemicals that are not safe to use on children's clothing. The fragrance chemicals alone are often highly carcinogenic, and the other chemicals contribute additional toxicity to the clothing. Children's clothes should never be washed or dried in chemicals. Only use natural detergents and fabric softeners, or avoid the fabric softeners altogether.
19. Bacon
Most bacon and sausage are processed meat products made with sodium nitrite (like the hot dogs, above) and contaminated with various chemicals lodged in the animal fats. Conventionally-raised beef, pork and chicken products are, in my opinion, extremely toxic to the human body and contribute to colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer and many other diseases and disorders. If you make meat for your children, shop for 100% organic, free-range, antibiotic-free meats that have no nitrites or nitrates.
20. Shampoo and bath products
Virtually all popular shampoo and bath products sold on the market contain cancer-causing chemicals. The ingredients read like a top-40 list of toxic chemicals. Virtually none of these chemicals have ever been tested or approved for use on humans (they are simply ignored because the FDA astonishingly believes the skin won't absorb chemicals). If you want healthy products, use the shampoo I recommend: Pure Essentials Fragrance-Free Shampoo from Earth Science (
Keeping your health priorities straight
So that's the list of 20 items that are more dangerous to the health of children than the lead paint in Mattel toys. Most parents have no concern whatsoever for any of these 20 things, but they're going ape-shoot-crazy over the tiny amounts of lead in their Barbie toys and Elmo stuffed animals. It all just goes to show you that the sheeple will think anything the mainstream media tells them to think (and they'll ignore everything else).
It's classic American contradiction: Returning a Mattel toy at the local toy store while taking your child to a dentist to have mercury implanted in the cavities caused by all the soda the kid consumed at home (because the parents keep buying Coke and Pepsi). If it all weren't so downright tragic, it would almost be funny.
About the author: Mike Adams is a natural health researcher and author with a strong interest in personal health, the environment and the power of nature to help us all heal He has authored and published thousands of articles, interviews, consumers guies, and books on topics like health and the environment, impacting the lives of millions of readers around the world who are experiencing phenomenal health benefits from reading his articles. Adams is a trusted, independent journalist who receives no money or promotional fees whatsoever to write about other companies' products. In 2007, Adams launched EcoLEDs, a maker of energy efficient LED lights that greatly reduce CO2 emissions. He's also the founder of a well known HTML email software company whose 'Email Marketing Director' software currently runs the NewsTarget subscription database. Adams also serves as the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a non-profit consumer protection group, and enjoys outdoor activities, nature photography, Pilates and adult gymnastics. He's also author of numerous health books published by Truth Publishing and is the creator of several consumer-oriented grassroots campaigns, including the Spam. Don't Buy It! campaign, and the free downloadable Honest Food Guide. He also created the free reference sites and Adams believes in free speech, free access to nutritional supplements and the ending of corporate control over medicines, genes and seeds. Known on the 'net as 'the Health Ranger,' Adams shares his ethics, mission statements and personal health statistics at
Stephanies note: Don't take this stuff lightly! It's serious, that's why I made this blog! Protect your kids and yourself!!!! Live healthy, organic, natural and green~ Check out my online healthy shop

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


The demand for raw, unpasteurized milk is booming. According to Sally Fallon, president for the Weston A. Price Foundation, the number of raw milk drinkers is now at about half a million people across the United States -- many of them willingly breaking the law, purchasing their milk from “underground black markets,” and other creative setups.

Twenty years ago, the Food and Drug Administration banned interstate sales of unpasteurized milk, but individual states determine how raw milk is allowed to be bought and sold within their borders. The sale of raw milk for human consumption is illegal in 15 states, whereas 26 allow it with restrictions. Only a handful of states, including Washington and California, allow it to be sold in stores.

Gregory Miller, vice president of the National Dairy Council, claims drinking raw milk is like playing Russian roulette, asking, “Why would you take that risk?”
The U.S. Department of Agriculture tested raw milk from 861 farms in 21 states in July 2007. Their report came back claiming nearly a quarter of the samples contained illness-causing bacteria, including five percent with listeria, three percent with salmonella, and four percent with less dangerous types of E. coli.

Raw-milk proponents claim it contains more nutritional value, and more antibodies and healthful enzymes than pasteurized milk. “What proponents of raw milk call ‘life forces,’ we call bacteria,” says Ted Elkin, deputy director of Maryland’s Office of Food Protection and Consumer Health Services.

But Sally Fallon points out that tainted dairy is only a problem when the milk comes from typical conventional dairy facilities. “That milk could pose a danger,” she says, “But milk from cows fed on pastures actually has [it's] own antimicrobial components that keep it safe.”
New York Times August 8, 2007
Washington Post August 7, 2007
Get ALL the Health-Promoting Benefits of Omega-3s without Eating Fish*Recent studies show that eating fish can potentially expose you to a high degree of contamination. This includes industrial pollutants and toxins like mercury, PCBs, heavy metals and radioactive poisons. Here’s your chance to get ALL your essential omega-3 oils without the fishy aftertaste.*
Find Out How
It’s both grimly sad and a bit humorous, if you’re on the satirical side, that “health protection agencies” are so quick to want to ban and limit foods that carry fairly minor health risks -- but lots of health benefits -- while leaving toxic, synthetic food additives and all sorts of junk foods by, claiming those chemical substances carry no health risk…

You couldn’t possibly convince me that eating fast food every day carries less of a health risk than drinking raw milk. I think they’re simply counting on your ignorance.
Fortunately, you have access to a massive amount of information on this site, which is designed to give you the tools to create better health for yourself, instead of letting Big Business or government agencies make these decisions for you.

If you’ve read this newsletter for a while, you know I am a strong advocate for raw milk. In my opinion, pasteurized milk is just simply not designed for your best long-term health interests and will invariably cause you problems if you drink it long enough.
Could Your Health Benefit From Raw Milk?

Many of my patients have gotten enormous benefit from raw milk, and I strongly recommend you consider it for a number of reasons:

Raw milk still contains all of the valuable enzymes that are destroyed during pasteurization. Without them, milk is very difficult to digest. So if you have a lactose intolerance, it sill simply disappear once you start consuming raw dairy products.

Raw milk is an outstanding source of healthy, “good” bacteria and micronutrients, including lactobacillus, acidophilus, and vitamins, which are virtually eliminated by the pasteurization process of commercial milk. It is an outstanding nutrient to promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your intestine.

Raw milk still contains natural butterfat, which is homogenized or removed in commercial milk. Without butterfat, the body cannot absorb and utilize the vitamins and minerals in the water fraction of the milk. Butterfat is also the best source of preformed vitamin A, and contains re-arranged acids with strong anti-carcinogenic properties.

Raw milk does not contain synthetic vitamin D, which is known to be toxic to the liver, yet is still added to most commercial milk.
Raw milk contains healthy cholesterol.
Pasteurizing milk destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamins, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamin B12 and vitamin B6, kills beneficial bacteria, and promotes pathogens.
From my perspective, there’s simply no rational justification to ever drink pasteurized milk, even organic pasteurized milk.

Once you heat milk, you distort the configuration -- the shape -- of the fragile milk protein (see illustration on left), turning it from something good into something bad that will actually cause allergies and other autoimmune dysfunction. So, even if you start with organic milk from grass-fed cows, once you heat it the milk is ruined and should not be consumed.
In addition to the reasons mentioned above, raw-milk drinkers also rave about these additional benefits:

You feel the health benefits: Raw milk is not associated with any of the health problems surrounding pasteurized milk, such as rheumatoid arthritis, skin rashes, diarrhea, and cramps. Even people who have been allergic to pasteurized milk for many years can typically tolerate and even thrive on raw milk.

It tastes better: As with any food, fresher is always better and this applies to milk as well. Fresh raw milk is creamier and better tasting than pasteurized milk that has a shelf life of several weeks.

Are You Playing Russian Roulette if You Drink Raw Milk?
Dirty milk, of course, does carry its health risks. But Certified Grade A milk, produced under government supervision and guaranteed absolutely clean, is available practically all over the country and is the dairy farmer's answer to the pasteurization zealots.
You can also ask to see your farmer’s bacteria count of the dairy for that week. Most will be happy you asked and proud to show you the quality of their dairy. As Sally Fallon notes, grass-fed cows, rather than those stuck in pens eating corn, are your healthiest, pathogen-free sources for raw milk.

Remember this though: just as with all other food recommendations, raw milk may not necessarily be a wonder food for everyone.
Listen to your body when you consume dairy -- if it doesn’t agree with you, don’t drink it. Simple as that. Your body will always give you the feedback you need to make the most optimal, health-promoting choices for you.

Where to Buy Raw Milk
Fortunately, no matter how far public health officials will go to discredit the benefits of raw milk, a growing number of Americans are choosing natural dairy sources, even though they may be breaking the law in some states.
If you're unable to find a local source for raw milk, visit the Real Milk site to find a provider close to you. You can also review this link for raw milk availability and restrictions by state. The Weston Price Foundation is an amazing resource to help you locate and secure raw milk. I’m on their advisory board and would encourage you to consider joining their organization. One of the most practical options is forming a "cow share' program where you actually pay the farmer to own a part of his cow and then pay him to milk the cow for you as it is legal for anyone who owns a cow to drink raw milk. The only challenge is selling it, unless of course you live in California, where selling raw milk is perfectly legal.
Despite opponents’ smear campaigns, designed to scare you away from one of the healthiest foods out there, I’m still encouraged, because this is a great example of how public demand forces changes for the better.
Consumers voting with their dollars do have incredible power, so keep pressing for positive change, using your wallet!
Related Articles:
Is Raw Milk Right For You? The Real Reasons Why Raw Milk is Becoming More Popular Why You Don’t Want to Drink Pasteurized Milk Don't Drink Your Milk!

Eating Green

Your guide to organic and other in-the-news terms

When deciding what to feed your family, you're bound to face a bewildering array of food labels claiming that items are organic, natural or free range. Here's what these labels mean:

Growing Conditions

If a product bears a "USDA organic" label, you are guaranteed that's it's at least 95 free of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers and sewage sludge and that it hasn't been genetically modified or irradiated. No hormones or antibiotics are allowed; animals must be fed organically-grown feed and have access to the outdoors. While some experts have suggested that organic foods are healthier than conventionally-grown, the USDA doesn't support these claims. But any person with a working brain would know that organic is ALWAYS BETTER!

Sustainable agriculture refers to crops that are raised in ways that don't harm the environment, are humane to animals, and that supports farm workers and farming communities. Not all sustainable foods are organic — most come from small family farms which may not have the time or resources to get organic certification (it is expensive and time-consuming). A related label is "Fair Trade," which certifies that farmers in developing countries have received a fair price for products like coffee that are grown in a sustainable way.

Natural refers to meat and poultry that contains no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. There is no certification and because a food is called "natural," it doesn't mean that farm animals were raised organically.

Locally Grown:
Locally grown refers to crops produced no more than 250 miles from where they're purchased. The emphasis is on seasonal, fresh produce, meats and dairy products but these crops may have been raised with pesticides.
If the label does not specify that the food any special growing conditions, you should assume it's conventional. Crops and cattle are raised using synthetic chemicals, like fertilizers and pesticides to curb insect growth and increase the amount of food produced. Farmers can give their animals antibiotics, growth hormones and other medications. This is the way most crops and livestock have been raised in the U.S. for the past 50 years.

Hormones and Antibiotics:

Antibiotic Free-The term "antibiotic-free" is unregulated but producers can label foods "no antibiotics administered" or "raised without antibiotics," which means animals were raised entirely without the substances. Concerns have been raised that antibiotic use in cattle causes antibiotic resistant bacteria to develop, threatening human health.

Hormone Free-For pork and chicken, the label "hormone free" is meaningless; these substances are banned when raising pigs and chickens. Beef may carry a "no hormones administered" label but no outside authority currently certifies this claim. Controversy has arisen over the artificial hormone rBGH which increases milk production. The U.S. is one of the few countries to approve its use; others have banned it because of concerns over human and animal health.

Animal Welfare:

Free Range-
Chickens that aren't confined to cages and are granted access to the outdoors are called "free range." But the USDA only requires limited outdoor time; conditions can be crowded and dirty and there's no outside monitoring.

Grass-Fed- Cattle raised largely on grass and hay are referred to as "grass-fed." No government regulations or inspections apply to the term and these cattle may not be organic. Since cows' stomachs more easily digest grass than grain, it is a more natural, humane and antibiotic-free way to raise cattle.

Recipes for Your Green Lifestyle:

There is no such thing as an organic recipe — the final meal depends on the ingredients you purchase or pick. But, these Food Network recipes below fit well into an environmentally conscious eating plan. They're made from mostly fresh foods, with an occasional can of chicken broth or tomatoes (we suggest you select organic and low-sodium) and some dried spices, grains and pastas.

Yellow Pepper Soup
Avocado Salad with Tomatoes, Lime, and Toasted Cumin Vinaigrette
Beet Salad with Watercress Drizzle

Main Courses:
Whole-Wheat Linguine with Green Beans, Ricotta, and Lemon
Chicken or Steak with Balsamic BBQ Sauce
Seven-Vegetable Couscous
Provencal Roasted Chicken with Honey and Thyme
Mojo Marinated Pork
Chicken Cacciatore
New Mexican-Style Soft Tacos with Hacked Chicken and Salsa Verde
Saffron Chicken, Boiled Lemon and Green Bean Salad
Lamb Stew with Orange

Jicama Slaw
Homemade Spicy Dill Pickles
Pickled "Red" Onions
Snow Pea, Scallion and Radish Salad
Tomato Stuffed Peppers
Orange-Pistachio Wild Rice Salad

Grilled Peaches in Wine
Peaches with Balsamic Cherries

10 Lies Your Doctor Told You

10 Lies Your Dr. Told You

Lie 1: Prescription drugs will make you healthier. Truth 1: Prescription drugs only mask symptoms. They do nothing to correct the underlying biochemical causes of disease. Simultaneously, most prescription drugs cause nutritional deficiencies which lead to further progression of chronic disease. See

Lie 2: You should actively treat the swelling of sprains, strains and other injuries. Truth 2: Swelling is your body's natural strategy for enhancing the flow of blood and nutrients to the injured area. If drugs or hormones are used to prevent swelling, the injured tissues won't heal correctly, greatly increasing the likelihood of repeat injuries to the same area.

Lie 3: Mammograms prevent cancer. Truth 3: Mammograms actually cause cancer. They dose the breast tissues with harmful radiation. Even when they spot breast cancer tumors, they aren't "preventing" breast cancer; they're merely detecting breast cancer. True prevention requires changes in food choice and lifestyle, not the use of imaging technology. See

Lie 4: Vitamins give you "expensive urine." Truth 4: The most expensive urine in the world is created by taking multiple overpriced prescription drugs, not vitamins. With more than 40% of the U.S. population now on prescription drugs, the drug content in human urine is now so high that trace amounts of antidepressant drugs can be found in public water supplies. Compared to drugs, vitamins are cheap prevention. See

Lie 5: The sun will give you cancer. Truth 5: The sun will prevent cancer due to the creation of vitamin D by the skin. Most Americans (and Canadians and Europeans, for that matter) are deficient in vitamin D. As a result, tumor cell growth in the breast and prostate is unregulated. Sensible exposure to natural sunlight generates cancer-preventing vitamin D... at no charge! Sunburns are actually caused by nutritional deficiencies (lack of antioxidants in the skin), not by sensible exposure to sunlight. See

Lie 6: CT scans (CAT scans) are perfectly safe. Truth 6: CT scans expose patients to 1000 times the radiation of chest X-rays. Repeated exposure to CT scans raises a patient's cumulative radiation to levels experienced by many hydrogen bomb victims in Hiroshima. In addition, rigorous studies have concluded that CT scans offer no medical benefit whatsoever. See

Lie 7: The U.S. health care system is the best in the world. Truth 7: The health of U.S. citizens is actually the worst of any industrialized nation. We pay double, triple, and even quadruple the price for prescription drugs as any other country. We also have the highest rates of obesity, Alzheimer's, cancer and diabetes, plus the highest health insurance costs in the world. The U.S. health care system ("sick care system") is so bad that people are fleeing the country to seek medical services in Asia. It's a trend called "medical tourism," and it's flourishing. See

Lie 8: All surgical procedures have been proven safe and effective. Truth 8: There is currently NO requirement whatsoever that surgical procedures must be either safe or effective in order to be practiced. Hundreds of thousands of medically unnecessary surgical procedures are performed each year in the U.S. alone, including hysterectomies and prostate cancer surgeries. See

Lie 9: You can get all the nutrition you need from three balanced meals a day. Truth 9: Today's foods are nutrient depleted, and they come from depleted soils. Processed and manufactured foods would have to be eaten at the rate of 10,000 calories a day just to meet minimum RDA requirements for basic nutrition (see related ebook on nutrition). The only way to get adequate nutrition is to supplement with superfoods or whole food concentrates (vitamins, whole food powders, supplement capsules, etc.) along with eating healthy meals. Organizations like the AHA, however, insist that nutrient supplementation is actually bad for your health. See

Lie 10: All these lab tests are for your own good. Truth 10: At least half of all diagnostic tests ordered by doctors are medically unnecessary. They're often conducted merely to generate revenues for the hospital or medical group that owns the doctor's clinic. Some doctors are actually required to generate a certain dollar amount of lab test revenues in order to keep their jobs.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Toxic Popcorn Butter Flavoring

I just watched this on the news. It really pisses me off when this crap happens. And it's happening way to much...So now we are finally finding out (after workers and people got lung disease) that the butter flavoring in popcorn is a artificial chemical called Diacetyl.
It is used for aroma and taste in butter, some cheeses and snack and bakery products. In tests at NIOSH, laboratory rats that breathed high concentrations of vapors from butter flavoring, including diacetyl, developed significant airway damage.
Health officials are also investigating the safety of workers exposed to other flavoring agents including acetaldehyd (used in citrus flavoring) and bensaldehyde (common cherry and fruit flavors).

From what I have read a few workers settled out of court for a large sum of money. They now have lung disease called bronchiolitis obliterans or chronic scarring of the airways. It has been named popcorn worker lung in the press because of how popular this disease has got. Many of the workers lungs are so bad they are on a lung transplant list. OMG imagine that! How sad! And the big CEO'S don't even care. I pray GOD makes these kind of people pay one day! I own my own business and when I get employees I swear I will treat them like gold. I would never ever ever, no matter how rich I got, ever put someones life and health at risk. Rarrrrrrrrr....

The workers charged that butter flavor manufacturers failed to warn of the dangers from using butter flavoring in the production of microwave popcorn and other food products. Well of course they did. Money is truly the root of all evil! The bible even says so. So here are all these people and parents microwaving popcorn on family night or at the movies and they have NO CLUE that the flavor is so toxic.

Why can't we eat whole foods, organic, natural and fresh? Personally, I would never buy or eat that crap, even before I knew about this. But i'm very picky when it comes to food and feeding my family. We will not be victims to this poisonous food dilemma.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Taco Bell Horror Story!

This Happened to my Boss on Tuesday. True story!!!!

On Tuesday afternoon my Boss Pat went to Taco Bell with her two year old nephew J.T. (he's a cute little booger). They each ordered food and two punches. Pat passed J.T. his small punch and she took the large. It was over 100 degrees that day (we live in Arizona) and she was very thirsty. So she started chugging the punch but immeaditly realized that it was not punch but diet cola. Annoyed she did not get the correct drink she starts to drive off and again realizes that this is not diet or any normal soda at all. Her throat starts to burn, she gets a intense headache, feels a sick to her stomach and gets so dizzy she had to pull over. She opens the drink and smells a very strong smell of chemicals. She said it had a very strong chemical smell, like pinesol. The dizzy spell passed and she goes home. She feels a strong urge to throw up all night but posion control advised her not to because it might cause damage to her esofagus coming back up. The next day she is fine and feels no ill effects from the mistery chemical in her drink. She is still waiting on a call back from Taco Bell. I will keep everyone updated on their responce. Is that scary or what??!!

Now lets be thankful that cute little booger J.T. did not get the mistery poision in his drink!!!! Imagine how it would have affected a 25 pound baby! If it made Pat, a grown woman, that sick so fast we can only imagine the negative affects on J.T....

I wonder what the hell was in there? Chances of a employee dumping pinesol in her drink are slim to none. So where did it come from? Was it a residue left in the cup or some weird new chemical they added to the soda???? This makes me mad!
UPDATE: Taco Bell called her back and said they ahve no idea what happened but the soda machine was cleaned that day by the Pepsi guy. He said the Pepsi guy does not use any chemicals to clean it so he had no answer to what caused it. But ya never know. Seems like some type of residue got in there somehow. He said he would look into it. But we all know that will never happen. Have a green weekend. We are going to San Diego to enjoy the beach. Peace Out~

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Guide to Super Foods


Guide to Superfoods
Superfoods—as opposed to vitamins or supplements—are foods that naturally concentrate important nutrients. Unlike dietary supplements, or vitamins taken in isolation, superfoods provide many nutrients that support each other and prevent the kind of imbalances that often occur when vitamins are taken singly.

Do we need superfoods? In theory, if the diet is good, we should need nothing more to supplement our daily fare; but can even the most conscientious among us say that our diet is or has been perfect? With the depletion of our soils, the widespread use of additives and the prevalence of sugar, refined carbohydrates and rancid vegetable oils, which all of us have invariably ingested—if not in adulthood, at least in our youth—no one living in an industrial society today can say that his diet has been perfect. For those unwilling or unable to give up bad habits like caffeine, alcohol or smoking, a daily supply of superfoods is essential.

Even those who live in isolated primitive societies seek out special foods for optimum health—foods high in fat-soluble vitamins, such as fish eggs and organ meats, to ensure reproduction and strong healthy children; soaked grains for strength and stamina; and herbs to prevent certain diseases.

The following short list is not meant to be exhaustive but only to provide a few examples of superfoods that can, in general, be taken by everyone. Herbal products for specific ailments are best taken with the advice of a holistic health practitioner.

Azomite Mineral Powder: This powdery mineral supplement, containing montmorillonite clay and many other compounds, comes from an ancient seabed. It is an excellent source of silica, calcium, magnesium and the gamut of trace minerals. Clay also has detoxifying effects as the negatively charged clay particles attract positively charged pathogens and take them out of the body. Technically sold as an anticaking compound and available only in 40-pound bags, Azomite is incredibly cheap when used as a mineral supplement, costing less than one dollar per pound delivered. Take a heaping teaspoon mixed with water daily as an insurance of adequate macro- and trace mineral ingestion in these days of soil depletion through intensive farming.

Acerola Tablets: A berry rich in ascorbic acid, acerola provides vitamin C with numerous cofactors, including bioflavonoids and rutin, to optimize the body's uptake and use of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C, the most important dietary antioxidant, was popularized by Linus Pauling who recommends taking pure ascorbic acid in amounts up to 15 grams a day for a variety of ailments. But large quantities of vitamin C may be harmful to the kidneys and can lead to deficiencies in bioflavonoids. Only small quantities of natural vitamin C in the form of acerola tablets can provide the same protection as large amounts of pure ascorbic acid, without the side effects.

Bee Pollen: Bee pollen has been popularized by famous athletes who take it regularly for strength and endurance. It has been used successfully to treat a variety of ailments including allergies, asthma, menstrual irregularities, constipation, diarrhea, anemia, low energy, cancer, rheumatism, arthritis and toxic conditions. A Russian study of the inhabitants of the province of Georgia, where many live to 100 years and a few to age 150, revealed that many of these centenarians were beekeepers who often ate raw, unprocessed honey with all its "impurities," that is, with the pollen. Bee pollen contains 22 amino acids including the eight essential ones, 27 minerals and the full gamut of vitamins, hormones and fatty acids. Most importantly, bee pollen contains more than 5,000 enzymes and coenzymes. It is the presence of enzymes, many of which have immediate detoxifying effects, that sometimes provokes allergic reactions in those taking bee pollen for the first time. If this happens, start with very small amounts and slowly build up to a tablespoon or so per day. Some brands are more easily tolerated than others. Avoid pollen that has been dried at temperatures higher than 130 degrees. Bee pollen can be taken in powder, capsule or tablet form—or in raw unprocessed honey mixed with cereal or spread on toast.

Blue-Green Algae, Spirulina and Chlorella: Blue-green micro algae, and its cousins spirulina and chlorella, grow on inland waters throughout the world—visible as greenish scum on still lakes and ponds. The Aztecs ate it as a staple food, dried and spread on tortillas. Africans of the Sahara region also use dried spirulina with grains and vegetables. These algae are high in protein, carotenoids and minerals. Beware, however, of claims that they can provide vitamin B12 in vegetarian diets. Nevertheless, the high mineral and protein content of the various algae make them an excellent superfood, a good supplement to the diet and a useful product for the treatment of a variety of health problems. Of the three main types of algae, spirulina is said to be the easiest to digest and absorb, because its cell walls are composed of mucopolysaccharides rather than indigestible cellulose. Chlorella needs special processing to improve digestibility of a tough outer cell wall but is valued for its ability to bind with heavy metals and carry them out of the body. Wild blue-green algae is said to have remarkable healing properties but can transform into an exceptionally toxic plant under certain conditions. Freeze drying is said to denature these toxins.

Bitters: Herbal extracts of bitter, mineral-rich herbs are a traditional tonic for stimulating the bile and increasing digestion and assimilation of fats. They often are the best remedy for calming a queasy stomach. One such product is made by Floradix. Another is Swedish Bitters originally formulated by Paracelsus and later "rediscovered" by a Swedish scientist. Bitters supply nutrients from bitter leaves that are often lacking in the Western diet. Many cultures, including the Chinese and Hindu, value bitter herbs for their cleansing, strengthening and healing properties.

High Vitamin Butter: Deep yellow butter oil from cows eating rapidly growing green grass supplies not only vitamins A and D but also the X Factor, discovered by Weston Price. It can be used as a supplement to regular dietary butter, particularly during winter and early spring.

Cod Liver Oil: Once a standard supplement in traditional European societies, cod liver oil provides fat-soluble vitamins A and D, which Dr. Price found present in the diet of primitives in amounts ten times higher than the typical American diet of his day. Cod liver oil supplements are a must for women and their male partners, to be taken for several months before conception, and for women during pregnancy. Growing children will also benefit greatly from a small daily dose. Cod liver oil is also rich in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). The body makes this fatty acid from omega-3 linolenic acid as an important link in the chain of fatty acids that ultimately results in prostaglandins, localized tissue hormones. It is very important for the proper function of the brain and nervous system. Those individuals who have consumed large amounts of polyunsaturated oils, especially hydro-genated oils, or who have impaired pancreatic function, such as diabetics, may not be able to produce EPA and will, therefore, lack important prostaglandins unless they consume oily fish or take a cod liver oil supplement. Buy cod liver oil in dark bottles and store in a cool, dark, dry place. Some studies indicate that cod liver oil is toxic in large amounts so don't overdo—1 teaspoon per day is a good rule for adults, half that for children. It's easy to take when stirred into a small amount of water. Dr. Price always gave cod liver oil with butter oil, extracted by centrifuge from good quality spring or fall butter. He found that cod liver oil on its own was relatively ineffective but combined with butter oil produced excellent results. Your diet should include both good quality, organic butter and cod liver oil.

Evening Primrose Oil, Borage Oil or Black Currant Oil: These oils contain a fatty acid called gamma-linolenic acid or GLA, which the body produces from omega-6 linoleic acid by the action of special enzymes. In many individuals the production or effectiveness of this enzyme is compromised, especially as they grow older. Malnutrition, consumption of hydrogenated oils and diabetes inhibit the conversion of omega-6 linoleic acid to GLA. GLA-rich oils have been used to treat cancer, premenstrual syndrome, breast disease, scleroderma, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and cystic fibrosis. They have been shown to increase liver function and mental acuity.

Glandular and Organ Extracts: Dried tissue from the glands and organs of animals are being successfully used to treat the same gland or organ in human beings including thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, liver, thymus, spleen, kidney and eye tissue. Athletes and those suffering from chronic fatigue should consider taking dried liver if they do not like the taste of fresh liver. Look for products that have been freeze dried rather than processed at high temperatures. Glandulars are best taken under supervision of a qualified health practitioner.
Kelp: Like all sea vegetables, kelp provides minerals found in sea water, especially iodine and trace minerals that may be lacking in our depleted soils. For Westerners unaccustomed to including seaweeds in the diet, a small daily supplement of kelp in tablet or powdered form is a good idea, but don't overdo—excess iodine may also cause thyroid problems.
Noni Juice: Juice of the Tahitian noni fruit is revered by the Polynesians for its curative powers, possibly due to the presence of an alkaloid precursor called xeronine, which contributes to the effectiveness of proteins on the cellular level. Noni juice has been used successfully to treat blood sugar problems, injuries and pain, digestive disorders, depression and many other ailments. It should be taken on an empty stomach.

Wheat Germ Oil: Expeller-expressed wheat germ oil is an excellent source of natural vitamin E, which is our best natural protection for the cell membrane. The Shute brothers of Canada demonstrated that vitamin E supplements are an effective protection against heart disease. In their studies they used wheat germ oil, not synthetic vitamin E preparations.

Yeast: Dried nutritional yeast is an excellent natural source of B complex vitamins (except for B12) plus a variety of minerals. Look for yeast that has been processed at low temperatures. Yeast does not contribute to candida as has been claimed—candida feeds on refined carbohydrates, not yeast. The late eminent physician Dr. Henry Bieler treated many cases of chronic fatigue with yeast supplements.

Stephanie's note: This is a very good list! He did'nt mention Raw Virgin Coconut Oil and Kefir/Probiotics! Here's some information on these three things.

Raw Virgin Coconut Oil: Okay there is way to much information on this! I don't have the time to get it in here with my wild monkey kids wanting mommys full attetion he he. So here a link so you can learn the amazing health benefits of this awesome oil.

Kefir: I love this stuff! Make sure you use the real grains and not the powder starter set. Another link because there is way to much information. This site is awesome and has everything you need to know about kefir. This site is where you can order real live grains and other cultures. They have awesome customer service.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Dangers of Nitrites: The foods they are found in and why you want to avoid them.

Sodium nitrite (or sodium nitrate) is widely used as a preservative, antimicrobial agent, color fixative and flavoring in cured meats and other products.

If you eat hot dogs, bacon, ham, luncheon meats, corned beef, smoked fish or any other type of processed meat, you are almost assuredly consuming nitrites.

Though this preservative has been studied for more than 50 years, there is still ongoing debate as to whether or not it's harmful. Some experts say that the health claims against the preservative have "not been substantiated" while others recommend avoiding them in your diet entirely.

Why You May Want to Avoid Nitrites

Numerous studies have found that nitrites contribute to a variety of negative health effects, which we've compiled here.

  • Cancer: When you eat nitrites, they can be converted into nitrosamines, which are potent cancer-causing chemicals, in your body. Specific cancers seem to be most affected, including:

  • Colorectal Cancer: People who ate the most processed meat were 50 percent more likely to develop lower colon cancer, according to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

  • Stomach Cancer: An investigation into 15 studies on processed meat found that the risk of stomach cancer increased from 15 percent to 38 percent if the processed meats ratio consumed by an individual rose by 30 grams.

  • Pancreatic Cancer: People who ate the most processed meats had a 68 percent higher risk of pancreatic cancer compared with those who ate the least, a study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found.

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): People who ate more than 14 servings of cured meats per month scored lower on tests of lung function and had an increased risk of COPD compared with people who did not eat cured meats. For each additional serving of cured meat per month, the study found a 2 percent increased risk for COPD.

  • DNA Mutations: Hot dogs that contain nitrites have been found to contain DNA-mutating compounds. If enough DNA mutations occur in the gut, it could increase your risk of colon cancer.

  • Brain Tumors in Children: Children born to women who ate a lot of cured meats during pregnancy had a two to three times greater risk of developing a brain tumor than those born to mothers who did not eat cured meats. Children whose mothers at low levels of cured meats during pregnancy had a moderate increase in brain tumor risk, the study, published in Public Health Nutrition, found.

Does This Mean I Should Never Eat Bologna, Hot Dogs, Pepperoni ... ?

Yes ... and no. If you are concerned about nitrites and want to avoid them in your diet, you must cut out most all commercial hot dogs, luncheon meats, sausages, bacon, and processed meats (even that in canned soup).

However, supermarkets are increasingly offering nitrate/nitrite-free varieties of everyone's favorites. While some have pointed out that nitrite-free meats are often still "cured" using salt, sugar or another natural curing agent, which may be misleading to consumers, they do not, at least, contain nitrites.

To make even healthier meat choices, look for nitrite-free products that are also grass-fed and free of artificial flavors, artificial colors and byproducts.

It's also worth noting that processed meats are not the only sources of nitrites. Green leafy vegetables and root vegetables contain naturally occurring nitrites, though it's thought that compounds in the vegetables inhibit the formation of the harmful nitrosamines in your body.

Nitrites also exist in drinking water due to fertilizers, manure, animal feedlots and other environmental pollution sources.